
Documentary photographer
It was Joseph Beuys who has presented a concise but comprehensive art-manifesto: “Show your wounds”.
When I started working on the topic of war conflicts, it became my pressure point for various biographical reasons. Although, “war conflict” is a vast topic in which you can easily get “lost”, I have found my course: a big theme of a small man. Global politics, ‘a clash of titans’, under whose “feet” there are usually regular people with their families, relatives, housing and household problems. Yes, they also have to answer big questions like: what the Motherland is for me, what my nationality is, what defines my nationality and who I am in general. How to save the close ones? Where to flee and does it make sense? Is there a possibility? All that is happening in the atmosphere of fear, in the smoke of burning houses and destinies. “Why me? Why at me?” are beating repeatedly inside and it is out of human comprehension to find him/herself on the pages of a history book, in the news report or feel yourself a “subject” with the follow up helplessness and confusion.
And here every photographer is somehow borrowing form the “nature”, capturing it with the camera. As this situation is a priori defined by the profession, it is not common to return the “debts”. Though, intuitively, it became clear only after, I have come up with creating a special atmosphere, somewhat fragile and barely visible separate quasi-world for my characters, somewhere between the reality and a photo fact, a peculiar art space where they can continue their existence as the main heroes.
This and as well the awareness space in the first place are used for myself. In this space, the feeling of the time is completely different: instead of the usual ultra-speed of the news we have lingering moments, when you always have a chance to reconsider, “replay”, understand something this time. You can do it without excessive moralizing, playing out of the tune with the pathos, but through felling and experiencing.
Now, being at the beginning of something entirely new for me, I wouldn’t want to make loud statements and set myself some global tasks. But exploring big topics, you couldn’t help but keep asking questions if you have the rights, if you have said more, or in a different way, or better than those who have “spoke” before you. There are not only numerous colleagues, photographers, legendary predecessors or just scrupulous professionals, but also philosophers, writers, artists, directors…A GREAT THEME. To find your own intonation means to find your own “voice” in a multimillion choir, it can sound not so contrasting, but I want to believe that these series are just the beginning. The beginning of my way into the borderline realism, implying not scream but whisper, plunging into the severe irreversibility of a new global reality.


2023— Xposure Festival, Independent photojournalist Award, UAE, 2nd Prize
2021 — Direct Look photo contest, FOTODOC Center for Documentary Photography, Russia, 1st Prize
2019 — Direct Look photo contest, FOTODOC Center for Documentary Photography, Russia, 2nd Prize
2017 —The Prix de la Photographie PX3, France, 1st Prize
2017 — Life Framer Photography Award, USA, 1st Prize
2017 — Circle of Life contest, International Photo festival “Vilnius Photo Circle”, Lithuania, Finalist
2016 — Bourse Du Talent, France, Winner
2016 — Prix International des Nouvelles Ecritures, France, Winner
2016 — Circle of Life contest , International Photo festival “Vilnius Photo Circle”, Lithuania, Winner
2016 — Pictures of the Year International (POYI), USA, Award of Excellence
2016 — Bayeux-Calvados Award for War Correspondents, France, Finalist
2015 — LensCulture Visual Storytelling Awards, USA, 1st Prize
2015 — Kontinent photography Awards, Turkey, Honorable mentions
2015 — Direct Look photo contest, FOTODOC Center for Documentary Photography, Russia, 2nd Prize
2015 — Leica Oscar Barnack Award, Germany, Finalist
2015 — Sony World Photography Awards, UK, 2nd Prize in the current affairs category
2015 — Kolga Award, Kolga Tblisi Photo, Georgia, 1st Prize in the reportage category
2015 — DAYS Japan International Photojournalism Awards, Japan, 2nd Prize
2015 — China International Press photo contest (CHIPP), 1st Prize in the War & Disaster News Singles and 1st Prize in the War & Disaster News Stories
2014 — Professional Photographer of the Year Contest, UK, 1st Prize in the News category
2014 — China International Press photo contest (CHIPP), 1st Prize in the Portraits category and 2nd Prize in the People in the News category
2014 — Silver Camera contest, Russia, Winner in “Faces” nomination
2013 — Kandinsky Prize in the field of contemporary art, Russia, Nominee
2013 — Sebastopol International photo festival, Ukraine, 1st Prize
2013 — China International Press photo contest (CHIPP), 3d Prize in the War & Disaster News Stories
2013 — International photo festival “Photoparade in Uglich», Russia, 1st & 2nd Prize
2013 — Circle of Life contest , International Photo festival “Vilnius Photo Circle”, Lithuania, Finalist
2012 — Efremov photojournalism contest, Russia, 1st Prize
2012 — Black and White Spider Awards, USA, Nominee
2010 — Knokke-Heist photo festival, Belgium, The Silver Award


2024 — Solo exhibition, Xposure International photo festival, UAE
2023— Xposure Festival, Independent photojournalist Award, UAE, 2nd Prize
2021 — Solo exhibition, International Photography Festival PHOTO IS:RAEL, Israel
2020 — Solo exhibition, International Photography Festival PHOTO IS:RAEL, Israel
2019 — Solo exhibition, International biennial of photography Photolux, Lucca, Italy
2016 — Exhibition of the Bourse de Talent winners, National Library of France, Paris
2015 — Exhibition of the ANI-PIXPALACE AWARD winners, Paris, France
2015 — Group exhibition “Urban Maze”, Kunstwerk Nippes Gallery, Cologne, German
2014 — Group exhibition “Crisis in Ukraine”, Coningsby Gallery, London, UK
2014 — Solo exhibition “Standby”in the international photo festival “Photoparade”, Uglich, Russia
2013 — Group exhibition of Kandinsky Prize nominees, Moscow, Russia

Artist talks, events, seminars

2022 — Artist talk FOTODOC Center for Documentary Photography/ Moscow, Russia
2022 — Jury member of the Andrei Stenin international photo contest / Moscow, Russia
2022 — Lecture at Young photographers of Russia Festival / Kaluga, Russia
2020 — Jury member of the VOOH FOTO FEST / Chittagong, Bangladesh
2018 — Artist talk «Donbass. Another side of the conflict» at Journalism on Stage / Berlin, Germany
2018 — Workshop and lecture, Embassy of the Netherlands / Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan
2017 — Workshop and Artist talk at Metenkov’s House Museum / Yekaterinburg, Russia
2017 — 2022 Lecture at Young photographers of Russia Festival / Kaluga, Russia
2017 — Workshop and Artist talk at Metenkov’s House Museum / Yekaterinburg, Russia
2017 — Workshop and lecture at Stavropol state University / Stavropol, Russia


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